Quality Policy Statement
The company is dedicated to the quality policy that will ensure that its products and services fully meet the requirements of its customers at all times. The goal of the company is to achieve a high level of customer satisfaction at all times. Commitment to the implementation of supporting managerial and business operational systems is essential to realising that goal.
Yellow Boat believes in the concept of client and supplier working together in pursuing this policy and in continually striving for improvements in service quality.
The quality policy is based on 3 fundamental principles:
1. Ensuring that we fully identify and conform to the needs of our customers.
2. Looking at our service provision processes, identifying the potential for errors and taking the necessary action to eliminate them.
3. Everyone understanding how to do their job and doing it right first time.
To ensure that the policy is successfully implemented, staff will be responsible for identifying customer requirements, and ensuring that the correct procedures are followed to meet those requirements.
Objectives needed to ensure that the requirements of this policy are met and that continual improvement is maintained in line with the spirit of the policy, will be set, determined and monitored at Management Review.
The quality policy principles and objectives will be communicated and available to staff at all times. Training will be an integral part of the strategy to achieve the objectives.
We are all committed to operating continuously to this standard and we will maintain the necessary Quality Approvals consistent with our customer requirements.
Our Company will constantly review and improve on our services to ensure tasks are completed in the most cost effective and timely manner for the benefit of all our customers.
We shall ensure that all our personnel understand and fully implement our Company's policies and objectives and are able to perform their duties effectively through an ongoing training and development programme.
Equal opportunities policy
1 Declaration of intent
1.1Yellow Boat is committed to taking positive action to fight unlawful discrimination in every respect of its work.
1.2All above mentioned are equal opportunities employer. The aim of its equal opportunities policy is to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, HIV antibody status, AIDS or disability, nor should they be disadvantaged by requirement. [Organisation] will strive to redress any imbalance that may become evident.
1.3 We will endeavour to establish a broad base for consultation to identify priorities and needs as reflected by the black and minority ethnic population at large, and in all campaign work will maintain the objectives stated above.
1.4The executive committee shall review the content and effectiveness of the policy whenever a new staff appointment is to be made, and at other times as may be necessary. The Director is responsible for the policy's day to day implementation.
1.5 We will monitor and review the composition of its executive committee with the aim of promoting a broad-based representation.
2Recruitment of staff
2.1A written job description and person specification shall be prepared in respect of every vacancy that arises and every new post that is created. It shall be checked and agreed by the staff and honorary officers for direct and indirect discrimination, including culture-bound assumptions and ageism before the recruitment procedures commence. Applicants should be made aware that general life experience and voluntary as well as paid work are valued.
2.2 All jobs must be advertised externally and as widely as possible. In addition to whatever channels the organisation may choose to utilise, the vacant post must also be advertised in minority press. Adverts should clearly state the minimum requirements for the post.
2.3 At both the short-listing and the appointment stage, brief notes shall be made on each application indicating clearly why the applicant has or has not been short-listed or appointed. A form will be drafted for this purpose.
2.4.1 No interview, for any post should be conducted by a panel of fewer than three representatives or more than five members of the executive committee. All interview panels must include women and shall be suitably representative of the various ethnic groups within the membership of the organisation. Members of staff will be involved at all stages of the selection process in an advisory role. Whenever possible, an external assessor shall be invited to join the panel in a non-voting capacity.
2.5 An open invitation will be given to short-listed applicants with a disability to discuss their specific needs and requirements. [Organisation] will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the specific needs of disabled employees are met.
2.6During each interview, notes should be taken and at the end of the interview a form should be completed for each candidate, assessing their response to the topics and themes raised. These should be reviewed at the end of the interview process by the panel to see that each candidate has been treated fairly.
2.7 Questions on the following topics are forbidden in an interview. Any candidate who is asked these questions has the right to refuse to answer. It is the responsibility of the Chair, or any other member of the panel to stop such questions being asked:
• marital status• sexual orientation• occupation of partner• number of children/domestic arrangements (it should be made clear that the organisation aims to be flexible to individual requirements)
2.8An equal opportunity section should be included on the application form. The equal opportunities policy, and the purpose of monitoring should be clearly explained.
3.1New staff should be inducted into the staff development and training policy and made aware of training opportunities available to them, and be positively encouraged to take them up. All reasonable facilities will be offered to staff to take study leave.
4.1All workers should have access to support. If a worker feels isolated, provision should be made for support from other parts of [organisation] or outside the organisation. If groups of women, black or minority ethnic workers, or lesbian or gay workers, for example want to set up a support group, this should be encouraged.
5 Discipline and grievance procedures
5. 1It will be made clear to all employees that discrimination, abuse or harassment on the grounds of race, gender, disability or sexuality—if proven—is a dismissable offence.
6The scope of this policy
6.1 This policy applies to:
• all staff employed by [organisation] irrespective of funding agent.• all aspects of promotional, educational, and campaigning functions of [organisation]• members and affiliate organisations. [Organisation] would expect its membership to concur with and actively promote these objectives.
7.1Employment procedures and practices will be undertaken strictly in accordance with the following and all other relevant legislation:
▪ Race Relations Act 1976▪ Sex Discrimination Acts 1975-85▪ Equal Pay Act 1970▪ Disability Discrimination Act 1995▪ Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
7.2In order to implement this equal opportunities policy,[organisation] accepts that it needs to ensure that all members and staff involved in selection and recruitment within the organisation are given adequate and appropriate training in:
• interview techniques• codes of practice• disciplinary and grievance procedures as contained in the [organisation] staff manual.
8Equal opportunity in service delivery
8.1 Our commitment
We are committed to ensuring equality of access to all its services. The executive committee will take action to provide genuine equality of opportunity to counter past discrimination and to monitor the outcome. The executive committee will aim to ensure that no sector of the community shall be
denied access or receive a poor service on the grounds of age, race, gender, disability, being a lesbian or gay man, marital status, ethnicity or religious belief.
The executive committee will aim to ensure that all its services will be provided in line with this anti discrimination policy. In order to promote equality of access the executive will aim to ensure the following:
• that services are based on consultation with those who receive the services and positive steps are taken to include excluded groups in decision making.• that all services are flexible and responsive to the changing needs in the community.• that information on services is widely available and where necessary targeted to ensure maximum awareness of provisions.• that systems are developed to audit and monitor service delivery and consumer satisfaction.• that an accessible complaints procedure will be developed to ensure against discrimination in service allocation and delivery.• that positive action programmes will be developed to target the needs usually excluded groups.• that in advertising and publicity we will be presented as an organisation committed to promoting equality of access to employment and services.
8.2Corporate Organisational Arrangement
• All executive committee members and chairs of [organisation] executive sub-committee will be responsible for the overall implementation of the equal opportunities policy their respective services.• All staff have a duty to implement our equal opportunities policies.• The Director shall be the secretary of the equal opportunities policy committee that will be the corporate mechanism for achieving greater equality by:
i. devising and advising on corporate priorities.ii. receiving and monitoring organisational work programmes.iii. overseeing the work and pursuing the recommendations of executive subcommittee.iiii. overseeing priorities and performance of the organisation as a whole.
The Chair and the Director will manage and oversee the development and implementation of equal opportunities work corporately and with the appropriate executive sub-committee chairs.
8.3 Key tasks in developing and implementing policy
Sub-committees may be set up to develop action plans based on this statement. This should include short or long term objectives such as:
• developing and producing mechanisms for consumer consultation.• establishing guidelines for service monitoring• design training packages for the organisation which ensure that staff feel confident to promote the policy• progressing and updating the corporate equal opportunities work programme.
9 Review
We will monitor and review the effectiveness of this equal opportunities policy on an annual basis.
10 Information
10.1 This document shall be circulated to all employees and job applicants.